Xitilon has built quite the name for themselves the past few months. If you are not familiar, they had originally made waves by updating their “Launch Achievements” to be much easier. This made their games popular because a lot of people love an easy 1000g! A few months later they learned how to add an additional 1000g to their games every 6 months. These days they have some games that are worth 3000 gamerscore! Eventually they will cap out at 5000g per game. A combination of these things made this publisher well-known amongst the achievement community.
Eventually Microsoft looked into these changes and said 2 things. First, the launch achievements in a game cannot be changed to be made easier. So Xitilon was required to change the base 1000g back to the achievements they launched with. However, the 2000g and 3000g updates are following the rules Microsoft has in place for achievements. I actually made a video talking about these rules.
So now that we have established games can be updated to 5000g, what is next? Well, a lot of achievement hunters had requested a Windows 10 Stack. Meaning you could play the same game on The Windows 10 with a SEPARATE achievement list. Meaning eventually we could get 5000g in each version! Totaling up to 10,000 gamerscore FOR ONE GAME! That is pretty insane if you ask me.
Next thing you know, the achievement list was leaked for the W10 Version of “Castle of No Escape”! The Achievement Hunters knew exactly what that meant when they seen it. “Xitilon games are coming to W10 with Stacks!?”. That appears to be exactly what is happening. I have personally confirmed with Xitilon that all their games will be releasing on Windows 10 over the next year. These games will launch with easy achievements. They will be updated with an additional 1000g every winter and summer. Assuming Microsoft doesn’t change any of these rules for achievements. After about 2.5 years, we should have 5000g in each of the Windows 10 Stacks. The first Xitilon Windows 10 Stack has already been released. You can find the achievement guide below:
What do you guys think about Xitilon? What do you guys want to see next from Xitilon? Let me know your thoughts below in the comments:
God I love windows 10 stacks
Amazing! I can’t wait when a single game nets us 10k GS. My journey to my first million will be much easier 🙂